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Do Pagan Holidays Make Sense Today?

Writer's picture: Ana Kiestrzyn Ana Kiestrzyn

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Let's start with the etymology of the word pagan, which does not sound positive. In the Polish Catholic tradition from the 12th century, it was an insult to a person, similar to the Jewish goj or the Islamic giaur. The often-used term primitive culture or tradition has a similar meaning. The created social system, popularly known as the Matrix, loves to compare and classify things on Earth. It is easier and more convenient, but is it more honest and true?

So I apologize to all traditions based on worshiping nature, elemental energy, or animals for using such terms. New times on Earth also mean the conscious use of words without the context of hidden racism. So how to consciously approach celebrating natural energies in the old way in modern times? What irritates civilized people about the rites of other races, finding them childish and ridiculous? Why are modern systems so afraid of worshiping the energy of trees, animals, or the sun? What is the difference between believing in a man walking on water and a druid making rain?

Anyway, working with clients, I often meet people who, following the current fashion, believe they live only here and now. They believe there is no past and no future. This trendy idea is promoted by Eckhart Tolle, explaining to the people of the Western world the complete nonsense of being only in the head. However, The Power of Now does not assume you are a blank slate from birth and starting from scratch. Two great totalitarian systems of the world, Nazism and communism, had such an approach to people. In their youth unions, Hitler-Jungend and Komsomol young people were trained and brainwashed, assuming they were blank sheets. The authorities programmed the young to serve them later. Nevertheless, I do not accuse the leaders of these systems of being here and now.

In the family tradition, you have your ancestors. If we look energetically, you have karma, and your incarnations define your current life. It's like your root, base. You were once your ancestor. You can disagree with them, and you have the right to do so, but the fact is that you are not a blank slate. You carry the memory of a past life that cultivated the tradition of worshiping trees or animals. Now I often meet people engaged in rituals again because the memory of them is still dormant in them and wants to manifest itself. How many times have you hugged a tree or talked to animals like with a human? You feel or know these beings also have their own energy field, and you can make subtle contact with them. The memory of being a shaman, priestess, druid, or witch carries many people with them. You feel or know these beings also have their own energy field, and you can make subtle contact with them. As always, when working with energy or with rituals, there is main rule: what you do comes back to you, so it is worth considering what we do. The principle of Ahimsa or cosmic Love says, do not harm yourself or others.

In the old days, our Ancestors understood the world as life among different energies, such as plants, animals, and the Elements. Through the rites, they tried to cooperate with them. They felt One with them. Today, old traditions remind us of love and respect for Mother Earth and her world, the visible and the hidden from human sight, but felt with the heart and seeing with the first (third) eye.

We are part of an unlimited Universe. Let's work with him on equal terms.

Pagan tradition of Bealtaine Fire Festival 2023 at the hill of Uisneach. A Gallic tradition.
Pagan tradition of Bealtaine Fire Festival 2023 at the hill of Uisneach. A Gallic tradition.

Bealtaine Fire Festival 2023 at the hill of Uisneach Gallic tradition.

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